More than just about any other industry, the concept of time being money is something that those in the logistics industry are highly familiar with. Even the smallest inefficiencies and delays can mount to otherwise avoidable losses and considering that the logistics industry is focused on the movement of goods, these costs are compounded with each extra metre your fleet needs to travel.

Because of this, many of the industry’s greatest minds have poured hours of their time into finding ways to refine routes, cut delays and disputes, and generally improve every area of efficiency possible.

And while these countless man-hours delivered by highly specialised professionals do a lot to improve efficiency in logistics to save time and money, they rarely hold a candle to the impressive improvements that can be made by simply integrating the right freight management systems into current operations.


A freight management system adds a level of seamlessness and automation to various logistical tasks in the form of digital software.

They provide an impressive slew of tools that, if selected correctly, that drastically streamline nearly all areas of operation with reporting, tracking, accounts management, and more, all of which are specifically designed to reduce the time, cost, and effort of these crucial tasks.

These systems are integrated into your existing processes to enhance their efficiency without the need for intensive training or learning new technologies, but the benefits that they have to your bottom line can be substantial.

Let’s have a look at how some of these features add to your efficiency and more importantly, your economy.


The knock-on effect of a freight management system that enhances efficiency and economy at every point of the supply chain can be substantial. They compound to create improved efficiency over the entire model with significant results where the reduction of operational costs and time consumption over the entire network is concerned.

They provide a cohesive management system that works on a granular level to improve every part of your supply chain, particularly where capturing information about loads in real time is concerned.


Route management is highly dependent on tracking and tracing that gives real-time, accurate, and appropriate information about logistic routes.

While this information can be used to keep tabs on drivers, loads, routes, and stops, it is even more valuable in its ability to give you data that can be used to further streamline your routes and expenses.


Account management may be pure admin, but it has a notable impact on the overall efficacy and economy of your operations.

Any time spent managing accounts, payments, proof of delivery, returns, and the like, is time that is essentially costing your business money.

But account management cannot be ignored under any circumstance, it is an integral point of your operations.

The right freight management system will provide you with a near-autonomous tool for doing this more efficiently and accurately, which means your time (and therefore money) can be spent on enhancing other areas of your business.


This brings us to the issue of proof of delivery. You need to know whether deliveries have been successfully completed when it was completed, and whether the recipient had any issues with your logistics.

The need for proof of delivery is important, and the quicker these confirmations come to you, the better.

The right freight management system can do this for you with real-time alerts that get captured and notify you as soon as a customer confirms a successful delivery, greatly improving efficiency overall, and allowing jobs to be confirmed as completed and invoices to be settled in less time, and with less effort.


Lastly, a freight management system that can provide you with detailed, insightful, and easy to ingest reports will give you all the data you need to further streamline your operations by tweaking nuances about suppliers, routes, loads, proof of delivery, account management, and more.

These tools allow you to make data-driven decisions about your business and its operations which have a much higher chance of generating positive results.


Winfreight offers a suite of specialised and tailored management software that has been proven to greatly enhance operations across logistics companies and warehouses.

If you would like to know more about our freight management systems, be sure to visit the Winfreight website for details.